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Vol. 19 No. 21 (1) (2024)


Accepting a Murder Contract

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2024-06-11


The study contains a normative analysis of a new type of crime “accepting a murder contract in exchange for a material or personal benefit granted or promised” (Article 148a of the Penal Code), introduced into the Penal Code by the amendment of 7 July 2022. This regulation significantly strengthens the protection of human life by criminalizing acts that are quite distant from the actual attack in the form of murdering a person. The interpretation of the features of this crime raises certain doubts that require a clear solution. First of all, there is concern about a potential violation of the prohibition of punishing for the mere intention (cogitationis nemo patitur). Therefore, it is necessary to require confirmation of the existence of a criminal intention in the form of the perpetrator's external behavior corresponding to the “acceptance” of the order. In judicial practice, there may also be difficulties in distinguishing this crime from punishable preparation for murder. A separate issue of an axiological nature is the exclusion of liability for accepting a “free” order.


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