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Vol. 19 No. 21 (1) (2024)


Italian Great Constitutional Reform

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2024-06-11


The 1948 Italian Constitution – a beacon for many European Charters and even outside the borders of the “Old Continent” – is beginning to feel the weariness of these 75 years of its existence. The Parliament and the Government, as well as other Italian Institutions, feel the need to modify all or part of its content to adapt it to the many social, political and relations changes among the organs of the State.

Manuel Vescovi, a senator in the 18th Legislature, has proposed a constitutional “Great Reform” in the federalist and presidentialist sense, including, as well, other extensive quantitative and qualitative changes in many areas, starting with the judiciary, public administration, taxation, protection of private enterprise and citizen security.


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