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Vol. 19 No. 21 (1) (2024)


Status of the Party in the Cumulative Judgment Proceedings

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2024-06-11


The objective of this paper is to solve the research problem of the question of who, according to the provisions of Article 574 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, can participate as a party in the proceedings for the issue of a cumulative judgment? The thesis that only the convicted party has the status of party in the cumulative judgment proceedings will be supported, since it is a case of sui generis, in which the ordinary procedure is modified due to the subject matter of the proceedings, which results from the inability to clearly qualify the proceedings for the jurisdictional or enforcement stage. De lege ferenda normative regulation of the convicted status has been proposed in chapter 60 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and amendment of the wording of Article 570 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, as well as granting the prosecutor the status of participant on the rights of the party in the proceedings on the issue of a cumulative judgment.


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