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Tom 34 Nr 37 bis (2024)


Renunciation of Appeal by the Defender of the Bond of the Appellate Tribunal (Canon 1636 § 2)

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 17.06.2024


The article addresses the renunciation of appeal of the defender of the bond of the appellate tribunal that was brought by the defender of the bond at the court of first instance. This issue is being discussed owing to the marriage process reform implemented in 2015. That problematic aspect must always be considered with the unique nature of canonical marriage process in mind and responsibility for the decisions made. Also, consideration must be given to the social dimension of the ruling handed down by the Church, which is expected to reflect the truth of the appealed marriage. There is no doubt that the renunciation of the appeal by the defender of the bond of the appellate tribunal, brought by the respective defender of the court of first instance seems exceptional in the light of historical, legal and doctrine’s arguments presented in this article and can by no means lead to injustice in the Church judiciary, particularly with regard to matrimonial cases. It goes without saying that it is the defender of the bond at the court of first instance who knows the case from its very beginning, follows its course and presents his remarks, including his option to bring an appeal to the ecclesiastical court of second instance. For that reason, such an appeal should be treated with utmost responsibility. Arguments adduced here are derived from the current legislation, the teaching of the Roman pontiffs, and the position of the canonical doctrine all indicate that the rejection of appeal by the appellate tribunal’s defender of the bond, brought by the corresponding defender of first instance, should be an extraordinary measure that is very well justified. Despite the said legal option, the article makes a case for not using the canonical norm in ecclesiastical judicial practice, mainly because it was promulgated at the time when there was an obligation to hand down two affirmative sentences for a new marriage to be contracted in the Church. That situation changed after 2015, hence the postulate to amend Canon 1636 § 2.


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