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Vol. 32 No. 35 (2022)


Pastoral Secret

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2022-06-15


The right to privacy is a right protected by most modern legal systems, including the church legislator. This right to respect for intimacy, including the intimacy of religious practices, enjoys the widest protection in relation to the sacrament of confession. But confession is not the only spiritual contact that enables others to learn about sensitive content. Both the pastoral conversation, the pastoral Christmas visit or the marriage processes taking place in church tribunals are the source of a lot of information about the private life of other people. Therefore, the question arises whether canon law and Polish law, apart from the secret of confession, also recognize a “secret”, which will include information obtained on the occasion of other pastoral services, and which could be defined – like the existing professional secrets – “pastoral secret”? Will the secret understood in this way be protected by Polish law? The article addresses these issues, trying to indicate the legal basis of pastoral secrecy, define its subjective and objective scope and show it against the background of Polish law.


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