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Vol. 28 No. 31 (2018)


Role of Attorney-at-Law in Reformed Matrimonial Process

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Published: 2018-06-30


The new matrimonial process, particularly the “bishop’s process”, requires that the Church judiciary personnel presents high substantive competencies, as well as a new mentality and glance, including also on the role of attorney-at-law, especially on the dynamicity of his service. As it was reminded by Pope Francis in the 2018 credo allocution, it should be based on wisdom and search for truth, for the declaration of nullity to be a source of peace of consciousness. It is worth to underline in this context that perception of attorney-at-law in the canonical process has been changing in recent years. This, without any doubt, should also have influence on the level and correctness of judgements made by the Church courts. Moreover, it is crucial to have quite a difficult and very complicated present social context in which the Church attorney-at-law acts in front of one’s eyes, especially a very consumptive attitude towards life, influence that modern social media have on attitude towards life, commonly justified success at all costs, as well as that the objective truth is sometimes rejected due to various personal reasons. And, certainly, it is worth to add that at present the Church attorney-at-law desires to find an open attitude of bishops that gives concrete decisions in regards to a multi-faceted reform of Pope Francis and harmonization with direction of this pontiff. The role of attorney-at-law in the matrimonial process changes, evolves, gets dynamic, in accordance with changing canonical process, the participants of which require adequate, both formal and substantive assistance and support. Due to this, actions undertaken by Rev. prof. Ryszard Sztychmiler in this field, who strives that actions of the Church attorneys-at-law in the Church courts in Poland are conducted on an appropriate level and are properly supervised, are very valuable. Thus, it would be inexcusable to show disrespect to competencies, scientific background and human and Christian attitude that attorneys-at-law can give to both individual faithful and the entire Church. Undoubtedly, their work or service for good and salvation of others requires adequate understanding and respect.


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