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Vol. 34 No. 37 (2024)


Modification of the Sanction of Dismissal of Members Living in Social Forms of Consecrated Life

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2024-06-11


The paper deals with the dismissal of members from religious institutes, secular institutes and societies of apostolic life (called “societies living in common without vows” in the 1917 Code of Canon Law) following its changes from the beginning of the 20th century to 2023 in the law of the Western Catholic Church and the Eastern Catholic Churches, with an emphasis on the legislation under the pontificate of Pope Francis. It deals with the changes in the legal nature of the dismissal procedure, the modifications of obligatory and optional dismissal, esp. in view of the decentralization of the procedure, and specially the modification of dismissal by the act itself (ipso facto), responding to the need to address the hitherto unsolvable situation of members who have left their community and avoid communicating with their superiors, also with analogy to the extraordinary method of dismissal from the clerical state in the case of clerics who have not exercised legitimately sacred ministry for at least five years and do not communicate with their superiors.


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