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Vol. 49 (2022)

Rozprawy i artykuły – Studia teologiczne

Contribution of Polish bishops' to the liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council in its pre-preparatory phase

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Published: 2022-12-20


The liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council had its start in works of the Pontifical Antepreparatorial Commission. Cardinal Tardini, who was the President of the commission mentioned above, sent a letter to bishops and asked them for their opinions and suggestions on subjects to be discussed during the Second Vatican Council. There were fourty-three responses from Poland to Cardinal Tardini’s petition. Liturgical subjects were mainly aimed at a fuller participation of the faithful in liturgical ceremonies. The contents of the letters can be divided into those that relate to subjects, such as a language of ceremonies, reform of celebration of the Holy Eucharist, rituals of the sacraments and sacramentals, pontifical liturgy and Breviary. The letters, together with the responses from other countries and institutions, were a starting point for future conciliar discussions.


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