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No. 3/2024 (2024)


Legal Implications of the Hybrid Warfare on the Polish-Belarusian Border

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2024-11-04


The term hybrid warfare does not have a consistent definition. Generally, it refers to deniable and secret activities supported by the threat or use of conventional or nuclear forces to influence the internal policies of the target countries. Some authors use the term
to refer only to irregular tactics, others use the hybrid to describe several irregular and conventional tactics used on the same battlefield, and others use the term to describe the doctrine of next-generation warfare formulated by the top leadership of the Russian General Staff. Many authors criticise this term as meaningless, fashionable, or catchy, which does not help us understand the specificity of the threat from Russia. An assessment of Belarus’s theory and practice of actions indicates that a new generation of war has emerged. Some examples include cyber-attacks, election interference, and disinformation campaigns, including those on social media. The basic features of hybrid warfare are presented, referring to the case of Russia and Belarus. For Russia and Belarus, hybrid war is an opportunity to exert political influence, and for criminal groups – easy money. The purpose of the article is to show the consequences of hybrid warfare on the Polish-Belarusian border.


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