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Vol. 113 (2010): Our Past


Causes, effects and conditions of the uprising and the distribution of the underground press published under the Nazi occupation in 1939-1945

  • Marcin Potyczka
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2010-06-30


Underground journalism cultivated under Nazi occupation played a special role. It was born out of the need for information, in opposition to the German propaganda press. The goals of the press were not the same as in peacetime. From then on, the press served to console, build resistance, call for a boycott of everything that was aimed at destroying traces of Polishness, expose lies, instruct how to behave during the occupation and judge traitors. The press was not the friend of "the common man", but of "every Pole". It united the entire Polish society - thanks to widespread distribution, the press traveled thousands of kilometers, uniting the country divided by occupation. The newspapers published were a signal that the spirit of resistance would not disappear and that Poland was still fighting. The conspiratorial press published in the years 1939-1945 was created under the influence of many people who were involved in conspiratorial activities, putting their lives on the line. We also find this heroism among those who were responsible for distributing this underground press. We can speak with gratitude of those who secretly, without experience and using primitive technical means, took upon themselves the obligation to act with their pen on behalf of the entire nation.


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