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Vol. 127 (2017): Nasza Przeszłość


Visit of Archbishop Adam Kozłowiecki SJ in the concetration camp in Dachau in 1972

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Published: 2017-06-30


On August 25 1972, the day before the start of the XX Olympic Games in Munich, during the Hours of Remembrance at the former Nazi concentration camp in Dachau, Archbishop Adam Kozłowiecki SJ (1911-2007) gave a speech that was a warning against hatred and a call to build a civilization on the foundation of the Gospel of love and respect for every human being. The speech of the head of the Zambian Church had a unique dimension because he was a prisoner in the Nazi concentration camps at Auschwitz and Dachau. After his miraculous liberation from the camp in Dachau, he travelled to Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia) and, as a missionary, devoted 61 years of his life to this territory. The Polish Jesuit recalled in the speech Polish Franciscan Maximilian Maria Kolbe (1894-1941), who had been beatified a year earlier, on October 17 1971, by Pope Paul VI. Archbishop Kozłowiecki portrayed Maximilian Maria Kolbe as a model winner in the fight between hatred and love. In his speech, he emphasized that we are all brothers, and we all have a common Father – God. The address by Archbishop Kozłowiecki spread and resounded in Germany. It was mentioned in Africa, including Zambia and South Africa. In Poland, the responsibility of spreading the Archbishop’s speech in the camp at Dachau was taken up by „Tygodnik Powszechny”, which translated it into Polish, published in full, and included two pictures from the ceremony in the camp at Dachau.


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