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Vol. 121 (2014): Our Past


Portrait of Jakub Radliński, the provost general of Miechów - a writer and a bibliophile

  • Zdzisław Jedynak
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2014-06-30


Jakub Radliński (around 1684-1762) was one of the most outstanding provosts general of Miechów monastery. He performed his function in the years 1744-1762 and was very active in the academic field, gaining fame as the author of many theological works. He was a bibliophile and a friend of Andrzej Załuski, the bishop of Cracow and the founder of the first famous public library in Warsaw. In 1963, on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of bringing the Order of the Holy Sepulchre to Miechów, Our Past published an extensive article of Mieczysław Tobiasz about the history of the monastery, in which Jakub Radliński was also mentioned. Even a photograph of his portrait was published in the article, however by error it was labeled as a portrait of another famous annalist of the order (provost of its Cracow outpost at the church of Saint Jadwiga at Stradom), Samuel Nakielski. Since that time in all publications connected with the church in Miechów it has been presented as Nakielski’s portrait. It turns out however, that it is undoubtedly the portrait of Jakub Radliński, which can be testified by his two other portraits preserved in the church in Miechów. On both portraits we notice the same person that we see on the big portrait in question, namely Jakub Radliński. On the portrait one can see tied packages with copies of his most important work prepared for binding – Speculum sancti Augustini, which was published in Cracow in 1759. There is no question as to whose portrait it is and when it was painted. It is undoubtedly Radliński and the date of painting cannot be earlier than 1759. In the right down corner a desktop with an ink bottle is depicted, next to which the painter, Michał Gołębiowski, placed his signature and the date, which can be seen only under a strong artificial light. The signature reads: „Michael Gołembiowski pinxit Anno Domini 1777”. It means that the portrait was painted after Radliński’s death in 1762. At that time the position of provost general was held by Mateusz Bujdecki. In 1777 the arrangements of altars in the church was finished after a fire. The size of Radliński’s portrait is big. It is of the same size as the portrait of the last provost general of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre (until 1819) Tomasz Nowiński, hanging next to it [...].


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