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Vol. 42 (1974): Our Past


The youth of Cardinal August Hlond 1893-1905

  • Stanisław Kosiński
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1974-12-30


The aim of the thesis is to discuss the first period of August Hlond's life, so fundamental for his future Salesian activity and ecclesiastical career. It unravels the legends about his departure for Turin and his studies in the Salesian institutions, and presents the first years of his stay on Italian soil. Chronologically, the work covers the seven years of his studies in Italy (Valsalice 1893- 1894, Lombriasco 1894- 1896, Foglizzo 1896- 1897 and Rome 1897- 1900) and the five years of educational work in the first Polish Salesian institution in Oswiecim (1900- 1905).


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