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Vol. 76 (1991): Our Past


Holy images among sinful Sarmatians. From the studies on the reception of cult heritage

  • Jan Kracik
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1991-12-30


The spontaneous development of the cult of images in Baroque piety is better known from its manifestations, geography and statistics than from the quality of human attitudes. The essay concerns the differences, but also the mutual penetration of official and popular theology. Polish synods referred to Tridentinum's decisions regarding sacred worship, theologians and preachers (including Jakub Wujek, Fabian Birkowski) defended the cult of images against Calvinists. As in antiquity in the East and in the late Middle Ages in the West, in the 17th and 18th centuries the cult status of the image was determined not by intellectuals and theoreticians, but by the masses of believers and their shepherds. When dealing with the cult of image in Poland, typology was taken into account primarily. Various types of initial and later miracles were discussed and the process of recognizing the supernatural properties of an image was presented. The diocesan authorities who verified them played a significant role in cracking down on new and more widespread cults. If the cult actually continued, the church authorities relented and - without judging the authenticity of the miracles - approved it. The spiritual, emotional and even therapeutic expectations of believers were taken into account. The possibilities of further pastoral influence, development and maintenance of a given sanctuary also depended on this. During the period of the Catholic Enlightenment, bishops reminded us of the need to use the pulpits to more decisively instruct the faithful on the proper understanding of the cult of images, so that they could abandon utilitarian attitudes in favor of imitating saints and move on to the glorification of God.


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