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Vol. 85 (1996): Our Past


The foundation process of the Cistercian monastery in Wieleń (1277 -1285)

  • Krzysztof Kaczmarek
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1996-06-30


The Cistercian abbey in Wieleń (after being moved to Przemęt) is one of the least scientifically researched monasteries of this order that were founded in Poland during the Middle Ages. It does not have a monograph, and the number of analytical works devoted to it is small. The article attempts to reconstruct the founding process of the Wieleń / Przemęt monastery. As is known, the first attempt to bring the Cistercians to the castle in Przemęt was made at the beginning of the 13th century (1210) by Prince Władysław Odonic. However, his donation was not completed and the monks of Pforta never reached the intended location of the abbey. The initiative to establish a Cistercian monastery on the border of Greater Poland and Silesia was taken up again in the 1370s by the Poznań voivode, Beniamin. The first tangible trace based on source material comes from 1277, when the general chapter of the order ordered a visit to the planned location of the monastery. Then (1278) the founder obtained confirmation of the donation from the princes of Greater Poland. In the same year, the authorities of the order decided that after providing appropriate accommodation for the brothers from the monastery in Paradyż, they would move to a new monastery, and the abbey would be incorporated into the order. It is impossible to determine precisely when the process of locating the monastery ended based on the sources. Indirect information points to the year 1285 and this is the date most often given in the literature. The first seat of the monks was in the town of Ptowo (today Kaszczor). From there, at the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries, the monastery moved to Wieleń, and took its name from the place where its new headquarters was built.


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