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Vol. 85 (1996): Our Past


Bridgettine Miscellanea: Grodno

  • Małgorzata Borkowska
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1996-06-30


The article is an attempt to obtain a coherent, although summary, picture of the history of the Bridget Sisters' monastery in Grodno. Thanks to letters recently discovered at Syon Abbey in Chudleigh, it was possible to obtain a general picture of the monastic archives from the time of the death of the last nun of the community in 1907. Few documents from this collection survived World War II. Based on the find in Syon Abbey, it was possible to establish a complete list of superiors of the Grodno monastery. Moreover, a manuscript preserved in Warsaw titled The History of the Chapter, dated 1760-1763, contains information about Mother Teresa Chreptowiczówna, the reforms she undertook and the extremely beautiful conferences she preached to her nuns.


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