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Review: Krzysztof Rafał Prokop, Between asceticism and splendor. Two studies on everyday things and luxuries in monastic rules and church ceremonies in the Middle Ages and in modern times, Warsaw 2013 269-273 Marceli Kosman
Review: Krzysztof Rafał Prokop, Bishops of Kamieniec from the Middle Ages to the present day, Biały Dunajec-Ostróg 2007 375-382 Roman Kawecki
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Review: Stanisław Araszczuk, The cult of St Jadwiga in Silesia in the light of pre-Tridentine Wrocław liturgical books, Opole 1995 387-389 Henryk Fros
Review: Stanisław Litak, Parishes in the Republic of Poland in the 16th-18th centuries, Lublin 2004 335-344 Paweł Staniszewski
Review: Stefan Ryłko, The Road to the Canonization of Blessed Stanisław Sołtys called Kazimierczyk, Kraków 1997 391-396 Tadeusz Masłowski
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Review: Tadeusz Żychiewicz, "St Wojciech, bishop and martyr", Warmińskie Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne, Olsztyn 1937 321-323 Ryszard Grzesik
Review: The Archives of Silesian Church History. On behalf of the Institute for East German Church and Cultural History published by Joachim Köhlen Vol. 49. Jan Thorbecke Verlag Sigmaringen 1991 387-390 Bolesław Kumor