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Vol. 13 (2021)


The Notion of Evangelical Marriage in the Marriage Law of 1836

  • Arkadiusz Fastyn
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2021-12-31


The article describes the evangelical/protestant marriage in the marriage law of Congress Poland. The civil/state law of Congress Poland after 1836 defined the following characteristics of evangelical marriage: the admissibility of divorce and the ecclesiastical court’s jurisdiction. The ecclesiastical judicature in marriage cases pertained to divorce, separation, and marriage annulment. The state law, on the other hand, regulated which court would be competent to decide interdenominational marriage cases and its provisions were mandatory in character for ecclesiastical courts. The interdenominational marriage regulation had a major impact on the notion of evangelical marriage in the law of Congress Poland. The admissibility of divorce depended on the jurisdiction of the evangelical church court. The marriage law of 1836 applied after Poland regained independence in central voivodeships of the Polish Republic. This situation changed in 1945 after the unification of the marriage law and the introduction of civil marriage.


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