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Vol. 13 (2021)


The State Police against the Bydgoszcz parish of the Polish National Catholic Church (1925–1939)

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Published: 2021-12-31


The community of the national church appeared in Bydgoszcz most probably in March 1925, just a few months after the creation of the first structures in Poland. The person who contributed to the dissemination of this idea, and at the same time to the organization of its supporters into a parish structure, was Stanislaw Zawadzki.
From the very beginning, organisational activities brought with them a number of very complex challenges. In the legal order of those times, in order for a given religious association to obtain full rights resulting from the partitions of constitution, it had to obtain an approval with the rank of a law. Otherwise, it was kind of tolerated within the framework of individual religious freedom provided in Articles 111 and 112 of the Basic Law. The PNKK in this situation was not entitled to any rights concerning even the legal protection enjoyed by other religious associations with legal personality. This also entailed certain practical consequences, such as not being able to keep civil status certificates, establish their own religious cemeteries or enter religion grades in school certificates. The situation was somewhat different in the areas of the former annexations, where different legislation was still in force. The worst situation was in the former Russian partitions, where weddings and divorces, or certificates issued by priests of the Polish Catholic Church (PNKK) had no legal force in practice. There, attempts were made to apply to priests of the new rite the legal norms specified in Articles 97 and 138 of the criminal code, the so-called Tagancev Code. If the sanctions specified in the criminal law indicated were applied, the priest of the National Church in extreme cases could face imprisonment for up to six years. Fortunately, prosecutors and judges avoided such rigorous sanctions, and at most fines or short-term detention were imposed.


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