The article presents a discussion of the existing problems related to the study of scent traces, the practice of conducting research and the prospects for the development of osmology by introducing new research methods. The paper presents the current methods of collecting traces, comparative materials, securing them and the course of the osmological examination. The problem of smell as a forensic trace is presented – its features and general characteristics useful from a forensic point of view are described. It also shows the dilemmas of the judiciary authorities in Poland related to the evaluation of evidence obtained on the basis of such a study and the evolution of the courts’ approach to this issue, starting with the initial trust in the infallibility of this method, moving on to asking questions about its correctness, ending with high caution related to its uncertain character. The issue of scientificity of osmological tests was presented, as well as how to proceed in order to achieve the maximum possible objectivity of the test result. The development of osmological research in Poland and in the world was also described, as well as the prospects for the creation of such devices that would completely exclude the participation of dogs in the research.