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Vol. 21 (2017)


Social and economic transformation in Europe vs. homicides in Poland, 2000–2014

  • Paulina Celebias
  • Jakub Winkler-Galicki
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-06-06


The aim of this study is to analyse homicide in Poland, its causative factors and changes over time. Use was made of the information on the numbers of deaths and the numbers of murders, derived from statistical yearbooks for the years 2001–2015, published by the Central Statistical Office. First the rate of murders was calculated for every voivodship and for the country as the whole. Then its changes over time were presented. The cartograms with the values of the rates of murders by voivodships for selected years 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2014 were built. In Poland the mortality was on the relatively constant level, about 3.5 million deaths per year. The number of deaths was three times higher in cities than in countryside. During the period under study in
such voivodships as Mazovia, Silesia, Lower Silesia the rates of murders were the highest while in the Opolskie voivodship and Świętokrzyskie voivodship their values were the lowest. The high, but relatively constant over time, level of the value of the rate of murders was noted in West Pomerania voivodship and Pomeranian voivodship.


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