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Vol. 28 (2024)


GRAFOTYP v.3.0, or changing the role of the expert

  • Krystyn Łuszczuk
  • Andrzej Łuszczuk
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2025-03-03


The article presents the evolution of the GRAFOTYP program, which is a part of a package of computer programs called “GLOBALGRAF – I”, supporting and partially objectifying handwriting identification studies to its GRAFOTYP-3.0 version. The GRAFOTYP program was a development and complement of graphometric methods previously used in handwriting research. In the previous versions of the programme, an important role was played by the expert conducting the research. It was the latter, despite the imposed research rules, who ultimately determined the outline points on the samples analyzed in the program, which the program processed into parameters referred to as the aspect ratio and graphotype. In the new version, the subjectivity of the examiner in determining the contour points in the samples has been eliminated, which allows for uniform results regardless of the user. A key improvement is the introduction of automatic detection of graphic line contours, requiring image binarization. The program has an application in its menu - a graphic editor that allows you to “clean” samples from the background that makes it difficult for the “computer” to conduct analysis without the need to use external analogous tools. Despite the advanced automation of the program, the final interpretation of the test result is still based on the knowledge and experience of the expert who prepares the samples. It seems that the use of the GRAFOTYP 3.0 program may be a significant step towards further objectivization, which will become an important tool in the analysis of scholarly writings.


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