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Vol. 29 (2022)


Contemporary theological-pastoral challenges and a performative lesson of religion

  • Mariusz Chrostowski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-09-19


The last decade clearly shows that children and youth in Poland are more and more often outside the spectrum of the influence of institutionalized religion. Secularization, breaking with tradition, distancing oneself from the institutions of the Church and the individualization of faith pose new challenges not only to religious education, but also to theology. One of such urgent challenges is the search for an answer to the question of how to grasp religion in all its depth and breadth, in practice and theory, in deed and word, but also to indicate the possibility of strengthening its message through spatial, physical, scenic and gestural presentation. In this sense, this article is an attempt to open a discussion around the possibility of a performative adaptation of religion lessons in Polish schools, which could effectively make the teaching of this subject more attractive and enable students to gain deep and, above all, individual religious experiences.


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