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Tom 15 Nr 1 (2022)


The Assignment of Receivables and the Change of Parties to a Contract in the Polish Law in the Project of the New Civil Code

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 29.06.2022


This article presents the draft of the new Polish Civil Code with the focus on the transfer of receivables and the change of parties to a contract, a doctrine which has been unknown to the Polish law so far. The relevant considerations are preceded by an introduction to the origins of the work of the Codification Committee and the presentation of the sources of comparative studies. Next, there is a short discussion of the current regulations of assignment followed by detailed proposals of solutions provided in the new Civil Code with regard to the assignment of receivables and the change of parties to a contract, e.g. the effects of the contractual clause prohibiting the assignment of receivables, the rules for the transfer of future receivables and its definition, assignment in bulk and multiple transfer.


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