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Tom 16 Nr 2 (2023)


Financing Resolution of Banks – a General Approach

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 29.12.2023


Since the initiation of the first compulsory restructuring, resolution comes to the fore as the BGF’s primary responsibility. This intricate and long-term operation necessitates significant financial investment. Therefore, we emphasise that the goal of the research conducted for this study aims primarily to systematize legal measures that apply to financing resolution, with a particular focus on contributions paid to the BGF by obliged entities. Moreover, the aim of this research is to present the separate nature of this financial structure and its specific characteristics at the stage of building relevant funds. Due to the complexity of the presented subject matter, special focus is given to selected aspects of the adopted financing model. The discussion presented here refers only to resolution of banks. The primary research method applied in this study is an analysis of the currently applicable legislation. This study covers the legislation in force and relevant literature. The final section of the article presents a case study which showcases the BGF’s practical approach to addressing resolution processes (including those that have been concluded).


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