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Vol. 13 No. 1 (2020)


The Canonical and Legal Status of Minor – Terminological Issues

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2020-06-30


The canonical and legal status of a minor is the subject of high number of analysis, that pertain only either to the matters of legal and penal aspects connected to the protection of minors within the context of crimes against the sixth commandment of the Decalogue, or, even if the area of the analysis is broader, they only apply to the laws of the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church. A minor person is fully a person with all of the rights and obligations proper to her and arising from both the natural law as well as the canon law. Inasmuch as minor person may exercise her rights or be bound to fulfil her obligations, which would depend on the minor’s age. This work pertains to the terminology in use by the legislator in legal codes of the Catholic Church and particular age limits incorporated into the ecclesiastical legislation. Both Codes of Canon Law employ eight separate Latin terms (and more than a hundred in total in both of the Codes), whereas the legal status of a minor has been described in more than eighty canons of the Code of Canon Law of the Latin Church; and more or less, the same number of times in the Code of the Eastern Church. Nevertheless, in none of the Codes, has the legislator provided a separate section dedicated to minors.


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