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Vol. 1 (2008)


Tradition Versus Progress in Amending Civil Law (in statu nascendi)

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2008-12-31


The Author wonders whether current amendments “make progress or they wreck the established and wonderful tradition.” He makes a reference to S. Grzybowski, S. Gołąb, P. Gilles, and other scholars, who express their opinions using rich, varied and modern terminology. He is of opinion that the wealth of rules, regulations and doctrine are not wasted needlessly. Stability and continuity are ultimate values, while those who want to make a name for themselves will effect changes (S. Gołąb). The Polish Code of Civil Procedure of 1932 provides a good example. It was acknowledged as perfect by German scholars (Kann, Schönke, Nemeth) in Passau in 1989.


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