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Vol. 17 No. 2 (2024)


The Impact of Computerization in Administrative Proceedings on the Rectification of Administrative Decisions from the Perspective of Legal Security of the Parties

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2024-12-23


The article aims to verify the impact of computerization in administrative proceedings on the rectification of administrative decisions from the perspective of legal security of the parties. The author proves that computerization is an opportunity to popularize and, above all, to demand rectification by the parties to administrative proceedings. As a result, computerization positively affects the improvement of legal security of the parties. Attention is also drawn to the risks arising from computerization by proposing a number of legal and organizational solutions. The author uses the legal-dogmatic research method, analysing the content and the relationships between the provisions of the Code of Administrative Procedure and other acts affecting the computerization of the discussed procedures, with particular emphasis put on the rectification of administrative decisions. The conducted research and conclusions also include the practice of applying the provisions on the computerization of administrative proceedings and the impact of computerization on the legal security of the parties.


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