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Tom 14 Nr 1 (2021)


Role of Experts and Their Opinions in Administrative Proceedings in Light of Current Judicial Decisions

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 21.07.2022


Due to the increasing specialization in various areas of our life and science and the extremely rapid development of technology and civilization, it is necessary to consult an expert with special knowledge in administrative proceedings. Therefore, expert’s opinion is an important means of evidence in administrative proceedings and its importance is constantly growing. Unfortunately, the institution of experts in administrative proceedings is currently under-regulated in the provisions of the Code of Administrative Proceedings, which raises a number of factual and legal problems. They concern not only who can be an expert, but also what is the subject of an expert opinion, what is the significance of an expert opinion in administrative proceedings, in what form it should be prepared and what elements it should contain. Due to the lack of legal regulations, these issues are resolved by the case law, which achievements could be the basis for legal regulations. The role of an expert in administrative proceedings is to provide professional assistance to administrative authorities in cases that require special knowledge. However, the opinion of an expert appointed in administrative proceedings is not binding on the authority conducting the proceedings, but like other evidence, is the subject of free analysis by the authority taking into account all the evidence collected in the case. It is the authority, not the expert, to decide the case.


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