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Tom 14 Nr 1 (2021)


Right to Education in the Slovak Republic

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 21.07.2022


The paper analyzes the extent of transposition of the requirements of the right to education into the statutory legislation on education in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The author includes also the conclusions and opinions arising from the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.


  1. Svák, Ján. 2006. Ochrana ľudských práv. Z pohľadu judikatúry a doktríny štrasburských orgánov ochrany práv. 2nd edition. Žilina: Poradca podnikateľa spol. [Google Scholar]
  2. Decision of the Commission for Human rights of 7 December 1976, no. 1 EHRR 711. [Google Scholar]
  3. Decision of the European Court of Human rights of 10 November 1998, application no. 44774/98. [Google Scholar]
  4. Judgement of the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic of 20 December 2005, ref. no. 2 Azs 92/2005–58. [Google Scholar]
  5. Judgement of the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic of 14 May 2009, ref. no. 1As 205/2008. [Google Scholar]
  6. Judgement of the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic of 3 March 2011, ref. no. 1Ao 1/2011. [Google Scholar]
  7. Judgement of the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic of 3 March 2011, ref. no. 7As 52/2007. [Google Scholar]


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