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Vol. 30 No. 2 (2022)

Systematic theology

The Theology of Inspiration from the Perspective of the Missions of the Son and the Holy Spirit

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-02-08


This article presents selected aspects of the theology of inspiration and the theology of revelation developed from the perspective of dogmatic theology. As a key for reflection the inseparable missions of the Son and the Holy Spirit were taken. It was considered that inspiration and revelation should be distinguished, but not separated. Account was also taken of the interrelations of the mysteries of faith (nexus mysteriorum). To the fore came the inspiration of the New Testament authors resulting from the crucial salvific and revelatory events associated with the Incarnation, Pascha and Pentecost. The relationship of the hagiographers to the Church, for which the People of God of the Old Covenant was a type, was also considered. The text first presents the Christology of the Word and the pneumatology of the Word derived from the incarnational analogy. Subsequently, the relationship of the Apostles to the hagiographers (called “apostolic men” in Dei verbum) and their participation in the missions of the Son and the Holy Spirit are addressed. The final part shows the importance of the Eucharist, in which the self-communication of the Triune God continues, for the theology of inspiration.


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