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Vol. 22 No 2 (2014)

Teologia biblijna

Syn Boży wzywa do nawrócenia (Ap 2, 18-29)

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Publiée: 2019-12-16


In the literary composition of the Letter to the Seven Churches of the Apocalypse, the central position is occupied by the Letter to the Church of Thyatira. Christ introduces Himself to the community of Thyatira as the Son of God and to this revelation, the remaining six letters’ these representations refer to. In the letter to the community of Thyatira, the image of Christ alludes to craft work. The Son of God is revealed in this manner, the human face of Christ, who is similar to us and participates in our human existence; introducing at the same time, a divine element: Hence the ones who joined their fates with Christ are invited to participate in the life of God, and, they must as well overcome this world’s lifestyle, which is frequently based on compromises with evil. A symbol of this compromise is the figure of Jezebel and he who adopts this style of life, walks on the path of sin and is called to repentance by the Son of God. All people standing by Christ are free and the boundaries of their freedom were stated at the apostolic meeting in Jerusalem, in the year 49A.D. He who defeats the sin of compromise, with the world’s deities, will be the conqueror and will gain full participation in the triumph of the Son of God; i.e. he will participate in His resurrection. Modern man has built his somewhat newer world of myths and also attempted to reconcile it with the faith in Christ: Thus the Son of God’s call to repentance still prevails. Today Christ calls to us: change your way of thinking and living, you cannot serve the modern world’s “deities”, who are trying for the sake of economical or social reasons, to deprive a man of his rightful dignity; or even to take his life if it does not correspond to the worshipped ideal!


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