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Vol. 17 No. 19 (1) (2022)


Suspension, Withdrawal and Expulsion of a Member State from the Council of Europe

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2022-06-14


Membership of states in an international organization may be limited through a suspension procedure, or it may be terminated by the withdrawal of a member state or its exclusion. Pursuant to the statutory provisions of the Council of Europe, each of the above-mentioned procedures has been legally regulated. The current example of a member state that has been suspended in its powers and then excluded is Russia, which committed an act of aggression in Ukraine on February 25, 2022. The country also decided to initiate the withdrawal procedure from the Council of Europe in order to prevent a later exclusion, but the exclusion procedure was immediately carried out, which prevented the Russian Federation from successfully withdrawing from the Council of Europe.


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