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Vol. 14 No. 16 (1) (2019)


The Death Penalty in the First Republic of Poland in the Stanisław August Poniatowski’s Years (1764–1795)

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Published: 2019-06-30


This text introduces the issues of penal law reforms in the pre-partition Poland, which were tackled during the reign of the last king – Stanisław August Poniatowski. The author from among various criminal law institutions discusses only changes concerning the death penalty. For the most part, these reforms remained only in the sphere of projects, so the present work touches upon the demands of de lege ferenda to a greater extent, rather than the regulations actually implemented. In this regard, the Cardinal Laws of 1768 (an attachment to the eternal treaty between the Republic of Poland and the Russian Empire), which in the common opinion are associated more with constitutional matters, especially with the imposition of its immutability in the interests of Catherine II, touch upon other issues related to other areas of law, including the death penalty. Next, the death penalty for witchcraft was statutorily abolished (1776). Another reform that was successfully carried out was included in the Act on Sejm Courts (1791). It established a new catalogue of political crimes subject to death penalty. The rest of the issues discussed remained in the sphere of concepts and plans. The most important changes were postulated by the codes drafter: (1) Andrzej Zamoyski in his Collection of Court Laws devoted a great amount of space to crime and penalties, where he often mentioned death, and (2) Józef Szymanowski and Józef Weyssenhoff – chairmen of committees appointed to write codicis civili et criminali announced in Art. VIII of the Constitution of May 3, whose projects constituted a work called the Code of Stanisław August.


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