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Vol. 12 No. 14 (2) (2017)


Suspension of the Right to a Social Pension – Payment in the Same Month of Salary for Two Months and Exceeding the Amount of Income

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2017-12-30


The Social Pensions Act of June 27, 2003 defines the rules and procedure for the granting and payment of a social pension. Social pension is vested in an adult person who is completely unable to work due to impairment of fitness of an organism, which was created before the age of 18, while studying at school or college - before the age of 25, or during doctoral studies or scientific aspiration. One of the conditions for granting is not to exceed a certain income, and this may lead to interpretation doubts due to the ambiguous content of the provision. A person who is in an employment relationship and also entitled to a social pension while receiving salary from an employer is not able to influence the date of payment of this salary. It happens that the employer transfers the salary for the previous and current month to the employee`s account in one month. This usually results in exceeding the income of the entitled person and suspension of the right to a social pension, which in turn results in the obligation to return the rent paid. Such an interpretation of the provision of art. 10 para. 6 of the Social Pensions Act are used by pension bodies, and often also by common courts. In the case which became the subject of this article, it was only the court of second instance that issued a sentence favorable for the person entitled, adopting a teleological interpretation of the above mentioned provision of the Social Pensions Act


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