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Vol. 18 No. 20 (1) (2023)


Police’s Tasks in the Aspect of Juvenile Cases Proceedings in the Eyes of Selected Legal Provisions

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-06-30


The police perform a few tasks in relation to demoralized juveniles as well as juvenile perpetrators of criminal acts. These tasks concern combating and preventing crime. The aim of the article was to present selected changes introduced recently in legal regulations concerning juveniles and to present the scale of juvenile delinquency. The presented material was analyzed in relation to the tasks faced by the police in this aspect. The analysis of statistical data and the analysis of legal acts and literature were used. It turned out that the scale of juvenile delinquency has a downward trend, which results from statistical data, which does not mean, that the police have fewer tasks generated by the phenomenon of demoralization and juvenile delinquency. Changes in legal provisions pose new challenges to the police, such as reacting in the form of a warning in the event of disclosing a punishable act whose perpetrator is a minor and the act bears the hallmarks of an offence. Therefore, police officers face the task of acquiring knowledge and expanding their competences in the field of juvenile delinquency proceedings.


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