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Vol. 18 No. 20 (2) (2023)


Legal Canonical Aspects of Education for Celibacy in Major Seminaries in Poland

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Published: 2023-12-01


In the tradition of the Latin Church, the practice of joining the vocation to the priesthood with the discipline of celibacy has been adopted, which in time has also become a legal norm. Formation for celibacy takes place at various levels of preparation for priesthood, embracing the spiritual, intellectual, pastoral and human dimensions. If celibacy is understood as a legal norm, the observance of which is preceded by a public declaration to embrace celibacy, then formation to choose such a way of life must have a legal canonical dimension, which was taken into account in the new principles of priestly formation in Poland. The legal approach to this issue may suggest a negative perception of celibacy as a renunciation of marriage and parenthood resulting from the prohibition imposed by the legal norm. Such an approach is fragmentary, and the recognition of the legal canonical aspects of formation in celibacy allows to live this commitment as a path to experience a fuller, greater love in the Christological, ecclesiological and eschatological sense.


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