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Vol. 18 No. 20 (2) (2023)


The 1983 Charter of Family Rights and the 1997 Constitution of the Republic of Poland

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Published: 2023-12-01


The Author reflects on the position of the family in these acts as fundamental for society, the state, the community and institutions. The Charter of Family Rights is the only document of its kind that presents a universal model, a prototypical structure, a model to be taken into account in undertaking work on pro-family legislation and a family policy based on its foundation. It is important to emphasize the axiological and ethical nature of the Charter, which refers to an awareness of the truth about the human being in the context of its occurrence in the Charter; the rights presented in the Charter are expressed with an awareness of who the human being is. Both in a legal sense and in a moral sense, the rights of the family are presented in the Charter in such a way that their natural and universal character is consequently brought out and emphasized.

The family has not been given legal subjectivity in the 1997 Constitution of the Republic of Poland, but it is a subject of legal protection, and Article 71 over-cautiously guarantees that the state in its social and economic policies takes into account the good of the family, which has not been precisely defined. By emphasizing the subjectivity of the family, its rank and high place in the hierarchy of values, and its important social functions, the Charter sets out for society and the state an attitude towards the family corresponding to the value of the family and its importance.

There is no reference in the Polish Constitution either to any deeper truth about man or the family. The approach to man presented therein is vague. Man appears here as a human being, a citizen, a Polish citizen. The following phrases are used: each, everybody, nobody. The term “person” often appears in the Constitution, but only as a synonym for the terms “individual.” It would be in vain to look for a definition of family in positive Polish law, both at the level of ordinary legislation and at the level of the Constitution.

Traces of the Charter’s influence can be found in the Constitution with regard to the treatment of certain family rights. The Constitution states that “the inherent and inalienable dignity of the human being is the source of human and civil liberties and rights,” and alongside liberties and rights there are also duties, these have, as a rule, only pragmatic references. Consequently, freedom and duties in the Constitution do not appear in the sense we associate with the philosophical understanding of the relationship between freedom and responsibility on the basis of personalist thinking.

Man has various forms of cognition: sensory, intellectual, discursive and intuitive. The actions of each human being, if fully conscious and free, involve the totality of the person. This applies to the mental life as well as to the life related to the bio-psycho-social and spiritual planes. It seems that mental-intellectual cognition detached from the foundation as a subject is suspended in a void.

In contrast to the Charter, the Polish Constitution defines neither the values, nor the place and importance, and the role of the family in the life of society. Indeed, I am aware that the Constitution is always a creation of compromise.


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