The article contains three points. The genesis of the concordat as an institution regulating the relations between the Holy See and the highest state organs in the matters concerning the situation of the Church on its territory was discussed in the first point. This genesis includes two layers. The first one, the axiological foundations contained in religious and political dualism, formed on the basis of Christ’s command „Reddite ergo quae sunt Caesaris Caesari et quae sunt Dei Deo”, and the second one, the need to regulate the relations in the form of an international convention between the State and the Catholic Church in Poland under the conditions of the transformations leading from communist totalitarism to democracy and regaining of political independence by the Nation. The matters regulated in the 29 articles of the Concordat concluded between the Holy See and the Republic of Poland in the years 1993-1998 were presented in the second point. These are guarentees that the State respects religious freedom in the individual and institutional dimension in public life. Issues concerning the realization of the norms included in the Concordat according to the principles of interpretation set out in Article 91 of the Constitution of the Republic in Poland of 1997 were discussed in the third point.