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Vol. 28 No. 31 (2018)


Bonum coniugum: Hermeneutical Problem of the Ecclesiastical Jurisprudence

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2018-06-30


In the study the author undertakes an attempt to answer the following question: what is the place in the legal structure of marriage – and what is essential, in relation to bona matrimonii: bonum prolis, bonum fidei, bonum sacramenti – of the newly defined significant element: (ordinatio ad) bonum coniugum? The presented research results in the form of a juxtaposition of paradigmatic depictions of the element of spouses’ good: (I) depictions that constitute – it seems – a closed chapter in history (the good of spouses exclusively in the “non-autonomous” configurations), (II) depictions that bode well for the future (the good of spouses in “autonomous” configurations) – remain, since they have to, an open proposal.


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