The sacrament of marriage between a Catholic and an Orthodox is treated in canon law as a mixed marriage. However, due to the doctrinal closeness of the two Churches, it also have a different treatment than other possible mixed marriages. This, however, does not exempt from compliance with the regulations required by law in order to obtain the required permission and possibly a dispensation from the canonical form. The reasons and possible canonical and pastoral issues that may be a problem in such marriages constitute the core content of this article. Therefore, starting with the concept of mixed marriage and legal requirements, the dangers related to a mixed marriage are also presented, i.e. all kinds of spiritual threats to the Catholic side that may be experienced in such a marriage. The potential difficulties of such marriages include: discrepancies in the understanding of marriage, the threat of fidelity to one’s own Church and the danger of religious indifferentism, impediment to the practice of faith, difficulties in the religious education of children.
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