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The Role of the Judge in the Canonical Process for the Nullity of Marriage – Selected Issues

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2024-07-21


Ecclesiastical judiciary imposes specific conditions to appoint a judge, whether cleric or layperson. The Code of Canon Law outlines the rights and duties of ecclesiastical judges. The most common process in ecclesiastical courts is the process for the declaration of nullity of marriage. The topic of the paper introduces the issue of the Church’s concern for the salvation of souls.

The research problem of the paper focuses on, on the one hand, the legal regulations, and on the other hand, the application of these regulations in the specific life situations of the parties involved. The Author’s concern for the objective truth about the judged marriage is reflected in his over twenty years of experience in adjudicating marital and clerical criminal cases in two metropolitan courts. The research material consists of over one and a half thousand issued judgments and decrees, as well as several thousand judicial motions. An important issue in all judicial processes is the impartiality and objectivity of the judge, which in civil law is referred to as judicial independence.


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