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Vol. 1 No. 3–4 (2022)


Environmental protection in the light of cognitive criminological analysis

  • Andrzej Błandynowicz
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-10-10


Criminal law is ineffective in matters of preventing the ever-increasing degradation of the human environment. However, the issue of

crimes against the environment has recently become the focus of criminal law both on the basis of domestic regulations and international law.

In the Directive of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union on the protection of the environment through criminal law of November 19, 2008, which is essential for the consideration of this work, we read that „the Community is concerned about the significant increase in crimes against the environment and their consequences, which increasingly extend beyond the borders of the countries where these crimes are committed. Such crimes pose a threat to the environment and therefore require an appropriate response”. The preamble goes on to say that existing sanction systems have been deemed insufficient to ensure full compliance with environmental regulations, so strengthening this protection through the use of criminal sanctions seems indispensable as a sign of social condemnation that is more deterrent than administrative sanctions or civil law compensation mechanisms.

Without stopping here to analyze the aforementioned directive, it should only be added that this act defines a catalog of acts and behaviors that Community countries are obliged to recognize as criminal offenses, and obliges Community countries to ensure that legal entities are also liable for environmental crimes.

Environmental criminal law stands in a special position in the legal order – on one hand, it is established as a regulation of environmental law, administrative law, on the other hand, it is subject to the principles inherent in criminal law. Thus, it is important for the effectiveness of the legal system to adapt the institutions of criminal law to a very young, unexplored field such as environmental protection.


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