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Vol. 1 No. 7 (2023)


On alternative rule of law

  • Mariusz Muszyński
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-10-10


The text discusses the problem of the rule of law in Poland, understood as respect for the law. However, these are not theoretical considerations. Nor does it deal with issues of alleged irregularities in the reform of the judiciary in Poland. On the contrary, the purpose of the study is to show how, on the basis of a conflict over the direction of reform, some bodies, both domestic and international, defending ostensibly precisely the rule of law, exceed their competence, resulting in a number of violations of the existing legal order at the constitutional level. And it is precisely these actions that are illegitimate and, moreover, demolish existing systemic constructs.

The subject of analysis is a few selected examples from the practice of 2015–2023, i.e.: the so-called problem of doubles in the Constitutional Court, the alleged illegality of the National Council of the Judiciary, judicial claims for the possibility of "direct application" of the judgments of the CJEU, the label of so-called EU judges, attempts to undermine the presidential and parliamentary elections (2019) on the basis of rulings of international tribunals, the case of the so-called restoration to office of the First President of the Supreme Court, or the issue of the constitutionality of ratification of the Council's decision on financial resources.


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