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Vol. 1 (2023): Rządy prawa wczoraj, dziś i jutro


Contemporary understanding and misunderstanding of freedom of speech

  • Jakob Maziarz
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-12-14


Contemporary reflections on freedom of speech are an ongoing challenge for researchers. This issue is complex not only because of its multifaceted nature, but also because of the importance of the consequences associated with different interpretations of freedom of speech. In addition, the presence of numerous cultural and legal perspectives further complicates its understanding. The author of the article emphasises that despite the plethora of publications on freedom of speech, there is a continuing need for research and analysis on this issue. The article focuses on the analysis of court rulings, including both the most famous decisions of the United States Supreme Court and the European Court of Human Rights, as well as rulings from lesser-known local courts, some of which may not be known at all. These local court decisions serve as fascinating examples of how freedom of speech is understood. The author's primary aim is to highlight contemporary issues relating to freedom of expression, particularly in the context of conflicts between this right and other rights and freedoms. The article also examines the different understandings of this issue in countries typically considered to be liberal democracies. The article encourages deeper reflection on this fundamental aspect of human rights in today's globalised society, where technology and evolving social contexts provide new frameworks for the
concept of freedom of speech


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