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Vol. 49 (2022)


Oriental Josephological vision and its influence on the piety of the Roman Church

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Published: 2022-12-20


In this paper an eastern vision of piety to St. Joseph has been shown in a synthetic way. Presentation of some examples of the Apocrypha, patristic texts as well as the liturgical elements concerning the person of the Guardian of the Holy Family permit one to outline an oriental Josephology. In comparision with the Latin tradition it reveals itself very poor. But it doesn’t change the fact that one can find some eastern elements in the cult of St. Joseph in the Western Church. It is enough to mention the image of Joseph as an old man, deeply rooted in our awareness and culture, and the elements as Akathist Hymn to The Righteous Joseph, The Betrothed of the All-holy Virgin Mary or the iconic images of the saint.


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