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Vol. 18 (2019)

Teologia systematyczna

Transhumanism in the Light of Theology

Published: 2019-12-31


The problem of transhumanism allows us to ask the most important questions about man, his freedom and relationship with God anew. Serious treatment of the achievements of science and technological possibilities of the modern world allows us to rediscover the experience of faith of the first Christians, who perceived the Work of Christ on the cross and its communal presence in the mystery of resurrection as  a victorious force enabling reconciliation of all eternal contradictions of the biological and, at the same time, the spiritual world. This faith in overcoming processes described in the article as “social algorithm” allows us to look to the future with hope of crossing subsequent biological and technological boundaries, while urging us to proclaim Christ’s victory on the cross even more strongly  in the face of increasingly more forces being harnessed for the fulfilment of the lusts and desires being released.


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