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Vol. 20 (2021)

Scientific articles

The divine-human credibility of the Christophany of Galilee according to selected Polish-language publications

Published: 2021-12-31


The article analyzes the justification of the credibility of the Christophany of Galilee according to selected Polish-language authors. In order to accomplish this task, the significance of the Christophany of Galilee is first shown against the background of all the Christophany stories, and then on this basis the questions and doubts raised about the stories about the Christophany of Galilee are identified. The analysis of selected works by Polish-language authors shows that the argumentation for the credibility of the stories about the Christophany of Galilee refers to pointing to the theological nature of these narratives, and also emphasizes the credibility of the differences in detail and consistency in the essence of individual stories. Another argument for the credibility of the Christophany of Galilee are also the mentions of this Christophany which appear outside the stories themselves. Finally, the divine-human identity of the Risen One also has a significance for the credibility of this Christophany.


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