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Bd. 32 Nr. 4 (2023)


To jest ten dom, w którym Chrystus chce się zatrzymać.Absalona ze Sprinckirsbach kazanie XXXIX na poświęcenie kościoła – przekład i komentarz

  • Piotr Wilk
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52097/lst.2023.4.254-260  [Google Scholar]
Veröffentlicht: 2024-01-19


The article contains the first translation into Polish of Absalon’s of Sprinckirsbach Sermon XXXIX. The theme of the sermon is the dedication of the church. The translation is preceded by a short introduction about the author and his work. There is also a summary of the sermon in the introduction. The translation is accompanied by explanatory comments and localizations of biblical passages.


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