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Vol. 132 (2019): Nasza Przeszłość


Bishop Michał Korczyński – forgotten servant of Christ. A biographical sketch

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2019-12-30


Despite of his obvious merits for the Church and Poland, a separate biography of bishop Michal Korczynski has never been written or published. This study is the first attempt to write such a biography. I gathered various, usually scat-tered, pieces of information about the subsequent phases of M. K’s life as well as his rich literary legacy. This essay provides an opportunity to meet a truly unique man. Accompanying him from a small hamlet near Mielec all the way to the bishop’s residence in Przemysl one may appreciate his work ethic, diligence, humbleness and his sense of duty. While analyzing his work it is impossible not to notice his concern about religious and national matters. M. K’s care and focus on faith is demonstrated in his writings and translations such as “The Catechism for Rural Children…”, „The Lecture of the Cath-olic Church on those articles of faith…”, The Parish Priest…”, and possibly the most visible in the first Polish theological periodical „A Friend of the Christian Truth”. His care about Polishness – in his work on „The Beginnings of the Polish Grammar” – a source of extensive quotations that some readers may find very surprising.


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